Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Stress equals food

I believe I'm trying to eat my way to happiness right now, and well I haven't found it yet, so what else is in the cupboard. lol. I have a lot of stressful events going on and the only way i'm coping with them is sleeping and eating. Then I get upset about over eating and eat and sleep some more. lol. Im such a winner. Hopefully tomorrow will start out better. Clean slate so to speak, and clear last weeks troubles away. I'm very proud of you Nicola. Oddly when one of us is on track the the other one falls off. Is it possible there's only room for one person on this track hahahahhaha. I will start tomorrow of healthy against all stresses and concerns. But as for today the market place buffett was screaming at me to go to lunch so i did. :(


  1. What!!!! Sounds like you are just trying to take your mind off the stresses with food. You'd rather beat yourself up than think about what is causing you stress - but really you just end up doubling the stress! I'm sure with your constant weighing in you won't let the scale creep past 165 - because then you're close to the 170s!!!! Duh duh duhhhhhhhhhh (scary music). I am now eating more out of just feeling hungry than eating out of boredom and it being something to do. I have been keeping busy with watching my shows and making my cards so I'm happy!! I'm trying to get back onto the time schedule of eating a bit every 3-4hrs so that's helping.

    Clean slate tomorrow, but there is no better time than the present!!

  2. you are so right, i creeped the scale this morning at 163.5 and I was like fuck i was 158 last week. so im on intake control lol. its just my natural reaction to eat and gamble when im stressed. time to get on track
